Explore projects
Exercises accompanying the Robot Learning lecture of the summer semester 2024.
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This Repo contains the code for the publication "Fourier-based Video Prediction through Relational Object Motion".
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AIS fork of ros_gitlab_ci (https://gitlab.com/VictorLamoine/ros_gitlab_ci.git)
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image view publishing the color of the clicked pixel in hsv color space.
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Easy to use tools to create and edit trajectories for the rviz camera.
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Several tools for extrinsic laser to camera calibration.
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Converts a roslaunch-file (XML-based) into the shell calls for each node.
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Central repository holding all relavant robot models (URDFs, MoveIt configurations, Gazebo specifications, ...)
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Converter node: stereo_msgs::DisparityImage to sensors_msgs::Image that will contain the pixelwise depth as 32-bit float
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Base repository for the UBO software components for STAMINA including workspace setup and update scripts.